Sunday, June 26, 2011


Arowana fish or Asian Arowana (Scleropages formosus) is one of the most favorite fish in the world. Great endurance, price and million lovers are little many reasons that make Arowana will be the legend.

Actually, Arowana cannot be spared from the commodity business. Collectors or lovers would buy little Arowana and then sell it when reaching specific size ("..I heard their profits reached up to 10x only in a year..").

In this lens, we will discuss about the tips and ways how to maintain and grow Arowana fish. In addition, I hope you also share other information about Arowana fish.

About arowana fish
Many tips you should know in maintaining Arowana in the aquarium
Arowana includes Osteoglasidae or bony tongues families because the base of its mouth is bones that serve as teeth. In many countries, it has various nicknames, such as: Dragon Fish, Aruwana, Arwana, Arowana etc.

There are few tips on how to care for Arowana fish rightfully in the aquarium, so that your Arowana can grow well and not stress.
1. Check your aquarium equipment
2. Be diligent to maintain your aquarium, please!
3. Aquarium interior
4. Disease

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