Sunday, June 26, 2011


An Arowana fish is a graceful, beautiful, and ancient looking fish. They are adored by aquarium enthusiasts not only because of their beauty but because many people believe that they also bring good fortune to their owners. Unlike your typical pet store variety goldfish, the Arowana is pretty expensive so you must pay particular attention to Arowana care when you plan to purchase your own fish.

Here are the Arowana care tips to look for in choosing your own pet Arowana:

1. The Arowana should have a good body shape. This means it should have a broad body which has fins that are proportional to it.

2. The Arowana's color should be bright. For example, if you're planning on buying a golden Arowana it should be that color; gold. Its scales should shine like newly-minted gold coins. Good Arowana care helps to bring out the colors of your Arowana.

3. The Arowana should be a graceful swimmer. One factor why people like Arowanas is because they swim so gracefully; it should turn smoothly, and it should swim most of the time near the surface.

4. Check the fins if they are proportional with the body. The fins should also be fully open when the fish are swimming. Damaged fins are usually a result of fighting or poor Arowana care.

5. The barbels (the whisker-like protrusion on the mouth) should have the same, or at least similar, color with the rest of the body. A healthy Arowana has long and strong barbels; they should be equal in length and pointing up.

6. The Arowana should not be bug-eyed, meaning the eyes shouldn't bulge outwards. They should be proportionate to the fish's body, and they should be clear.

7. The mouth of the Arowana must be large and angled upwards. The mouth should close without a gap, a fish with an overbite or underbite should be avoided.

8. The scales should be bright and arranged beautifully, like roofing tiles. The scales should also be large and can be differentiated from each other. Dull and chipped scales are signs that the fish might have some sort of disease - a result of poor Arowana care.

9. The gill cover shouldn't move so much when the fish is swimming, they should be inconspicuous when they open and close; and they should be smooth and flat to the fish's body. The color of the gills should also be bright; this means that the fish is healthy.

10. The teeth need to be arranged neatly and in line with the fish's jaw line. They should not protrude from the Arowana's mouth.

Finding the fish that is perfect for you will now be easier now that you know what to look for. If you are still unsure of your choice then consider consulting with an expert, and always buy Arowana fish from registered breeders and dealers who administer the proper Arowana care to the fish.

The Arowana fish is easy to keep, but hard to master when it comes to bringing out its best colors. 

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