Sunday, June 26, 2011




i) If you must decorate your Arowana tanks, do not overdid it! Arowana is a typical curious fish and will always end up injuring itself! (I've encountered these!) So, be very careful what to use! Avoid sharp edges bogwood and rocks! May I suggest to let the tank bare! The advantages that you will get are easier cleaning of waste/dirt from the secretion by your Arowana which is visible with bare tanks and most important aspect is a cleaner and healthier environment for your Arowana to live in! Trust me

ii) Dark background will stand up the look of your Arowana Fish.

(iii) Aquarium light is a must if you would like to admire the elegant looking of your "dragon"! Please use only flourescent bulb that was meant for Aquarium use! The color of these Aquarium bulb when "lighted" is pinkish-white. DO NOT use those normal flourescent bulb(for home use), it will only promote algae growth in your tank!


(i) Learnt my lesson well! DO NOT USE any kind of aquarium nets to catch your Arowana! You will easily injured them and these dragon fish might broke all the beautiful, elegant looking fins easily! Therefore, how small too the size, for goodness sake,USE plastic bags! Use 2 layers. DO NOT USE 1 layer only as it could easily be broken (plastic bag) by the sharp pointing front part or teeth of the Arowana!

(ii) In the case of a new but cycled tank, the best is to stabilised/aclimatised the fish first before letting go to the new tank! Making use about 60% of the water from the old tank will make aclimatisation very much faster! (after the Arowana was caught in plastic bag) Some people just release Arowana to the new tank after this but if you would like to be more careful(recommended as a sudden PH and temperature change can results in DEATH!) follow steps below:-

(iii) Float the plastic bag containing the Arowana to the new cycled tank!These cycled tank to my meaning is it has already "running" smoothly until the Nitrifying Bacteria has already established in your tank to absorb all the harmful Ammonia and Nitrite in the aquarium tank!One more tip, put in other fish like Gold Fish 3 days before you wished to transfer your Arowana to these new tank to actually "test" the water!

(iv) After about 10 mins, open up the plastic bag, put in one cup of the water from the new tank into the plastic bag containing your Arowana,repeating after every 5 mins for about 3 times
Release the Arowana, slowly to tank and watch very closely! Normally, it will be very timid which is very normal as your Arowana have not conditioned itself with the new environment! Switch on the lights and if he jumps everytime, try switching off the lights to calm him down. Black water/Ketapang leaves extract will be very good in calming him down! And remember, DO NOT OVERFILLED these solution! Once he calmed down (depends on fish, from few hours to days) try feeding him with crickets as a start. After that he will starts to swim all over the tank to signify himself as the Majestic Dragon King of the Aquarium for all to admire!


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